Proctor your Florida Permit ExamsWith our BWSProctor Program Florida's new Proctor Exam program allows approved companies to give students and adults of all ages the Road Rules and Road Signs driving permit exams. Our BWSProctor program communicates with the State to retrieve the exam questions for each student. The exams can be printed or viewed by students on individual computers monitored by your staff. The answers are then reviewed and uploaded to the State for grading. Immediate results are returned and can be printed for the students to take home with them as completion reports. Pricing for the BWSProctor program is $1,450 which includes installation, training and testing with the State's DMV servers. Annual maintenance is $150 for updates and technical support. Hosting of the program is also an option. Both Worlds Software will keep your program and data on its own servers, manage all updates and backups and provide the fully functional program with a button click on your computer. Priced right at $45/month plus a $95 setup fee, this data hosting option also includes all training, testing and support. Call Today!
Our Other Programs Class Registrar Training administration with full student, parent company and financial services tracking. [...] Compliance Manager DUI and Drinking Driver Programs administration software for all facets of client management and State reporting. [...] Probation Monitor Misdemeanor Probation software has all the client, case/count, task requirement and financial tracking management functions. [...] Consulting Services Both Worlds Software also provides website, data conversion, and ad hoc Access programming for your inhouse needs. [...]